..............................................Part of Agenda SOS
Do not invite us to tea
for we are not polite company.
Look not for us at the barrcades
of peaceful demonstrations.
You will not find us there.
we do direct action.
which may not be caught by untrained eyes.
We are tough - girls and guys.
the protectors of Greta Thunberg
within the law by peaceful means
with surprising ways to get around
those who seek to overcome by violent schemes,
mock morticians come to lay
our children on early makeshift graves
beside their fellows on this dwindling sphere.
Here we thump the corrupt, there deprive the greedy,
elsewhere staunch dangerous stupidity
jacket the violent crazy if we must.
Some, we are hands-on operators.
Others still, we invent & implement solutions.
Yet others participate with those who must
organise and drive the mass rehabilitation
of global communal private consumptive life
in an effort to meet certain deadlines beyond which
there is no beyond.
We exercise, we shout, we toil, we resist and then insist;
undeterred by limitations, our peaceful weapons.
and your cumbersome institutions
for we know;
if life were anachronistic:
our children would feel compelled
to do the same for us.