Please indicate the sort of volunteer posting which would interest you: what type of work - location - duration of posting etc.
We will research available volunteer opportunities, matching them to your preferences; and will send you the results plus put
you in contact with potential hosting organizations. We will send you from 1 to 5 possible volunteer postings,
and we will get them to you as quickly as possible - no later than 4 working days after receiving your preferences.
Our services are absolutely free both to volunteers and to hosting organizations - our mission is to facilitate as large and active an interchange between volunteers and genuine charities fulfilling usefull missions.

Your Full Name:

Email Address:

Street Address:

List up to 4 types of volunteer work you are prepared
to do (please list in descenting order of preference) :

List up tp 5 places where you are prepared to volunteer,
(Please list in descending order):

Date of birth: .............................Sex ..............For how long would you like to volunteer?.
........ When Can you start

What skills/profession can you bring to a volunteer posting

List of languages in which you can communicate:

Your level (N=none/L=a little/F=fair/G=good/E=excellent):

Your Nationality:

Hightst level of education attained:.................

special diet?, companion?, allergies/medical conditions? anything else? :

Any other comments you would like to add, which could help us
find the volunteer opportunity best suited to your preferences: