The price to become a knight does not involve money.

This request to be inducted into the Knighthood of Compostela
Note: To qualify for the Knight of Compostela one must first have done the "Way to Santiago de Compostela" *:("Camino de Santiago") . Every applicant must pledge to abide by the three rules of the Knight: "to think good thoughts, speak good words, do good deeds".

I hereby ask to be admitted to the Knights of Compostela.

My Full Name:

My Email Address:

Street Address:

My Telephone (including national & local dialing codes):

This is why I feel qualified to receive the Knight of Compostela:

And here are aditional considerations I wish to include here:

My date of birth: ...........................................

My Nationality:

Hightst level of education attained:................. Title:

*: By entering Santiago via one of the twelve recognised 'Ways': whether from France, Spain or Portugal: you are qualified.