A Day in the life
of some of our volunteers
In fact the events pictured here
our volunteers do. The photos
Note: In spite of the bright
most volunteers begin
did not all take place during the same day, but rather are meant to give an example of the things
were all taken during the month of July. 2003; and the hours designated are mostly accurate.
start shown here (6:AM), the normal day begins at 7:AM for one or two volunteers, and
between 8 - 8:30 AM
6:00 AM

Delivering avocados to mothers clubs
7:00 AM
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One gets up at 4:00 AM to light the kitchen fires, the rest straggle in around 7, in time to eat and begin feeding children.
8:00 AM

Half a ton of avocados later -home again home again.
8:30 AM
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Bbreakfast to people on the streett.................Doing ones Emaill .....Beginners PC class .Morning after in the sun
........................................................................................................................................................(Weekends only)

9:00 AM

Roof for a Mothers Club

9:00 .....................................................................................................99:45 AM
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The morning English classt..........Intermediate Computer classl ...rt Art Class............ .First of many sporting breaks
10:30 AM

Farewellf fo a departing volunteer
11:00 AM
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Visit from Camposol... new shoes for barefoot studentsl ..Ready to deliver more avocados... .Artistic "Thank You"
12 Noon

Serving free lunch to kids
12 Noon
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Free lunch& school again.....Medical examination ......... clothing poor babies...... break to toast a volunteers birthday
1:00 PM

Sending them home with avocados
1:00 PM
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Two friends..........................and more clothes .......................and even more ..................Another English class

After lunch sport
3:00 PM
Thank you & farewell to great volunteers..........Food distribution .................................Enjoying one of Ana Tere's pies
4:00 PM

Yet another sporting break
4:30 PMM............................5:00 PM.....................6:00 PM..
Visit to an orphanage.......................Collecting Camposol avocados ....Serving & eating .Rreceiving visit from home
7:00 PM

English beginners class
.....................................................8:00 PM ...............9:30 PM Time to relax
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English discussion class ..........French biginners class .....English intermediate class.....Time for another kind of fun