Restaurant Corazon
Trujillo, Perú
August, 2001









Restaurant Corazon began in France in the mid 80´s"Restaurante de Couer". The original idea was that everyone would be welcome and those who were able to pay would do so, those who
could not (home less people)would be served equally well but leave without paying. Restaurant de Couer went bankrupt in its first year. That was when our founder first became involved, helping in the resurection of 1986. Since then Restauraunt de Coeur has gone from strength to strength; now numbers in the hundreds offering good meals to the poor in several European countries. Restaurant Corazon in the the center of Trujillo is the first in Peru. We have altered the original design somewhat. We offer breakefast for 15 cents, lunch and dinner for 45 cents each menue. And to poor children we charge nothing at all. We opened in August 2001 and already we are serving 200 adults and over 1.300 Street Children. In early 2002 we opened Restauraunts Corazon in two of the poorest barrios of a large city in Peru - by the end of that Spring we were up to 14 Restuarants Corazon, And we continued growing

Our Original Restaurant Corazon (Pictured on this page) servied dmeals to poor people for $.45 each. Then we opened a new Restaurant Corazon to serve free meals to poor children some blocks away, - July 2004. Since then we have been giving children free meals in the poorest barrion if cities in 8 countries.
Here are mothers and children served in our Restaurants Corazon CLICK